Thanks to everybody who's responded to my request for links to other blogs for me to add; I've added several already and fully intend to add more later. Joanie, Devra, Brendan, youse guys rahk. Anybody else want to step up and represent for your bloggin' homies?

In sports, my beloved Atlanta Falcons will try to pick up the pieces of their Tampa Bay debacle last week and continue the push to clinch a playoff berth by taking on the Blue Man Group, aka the Seattle Seahawks. Seattle's improved a lot on offense, but their defense is still pretty weak and I'm hoping my Birds can outscore 'em. Noon tomorrow, we'll see.
In college basketball,University of Kentucky was defeated by Michigan State today, but hey, it's only December. UK schedules games like this to get 'em ready for March; if they're struggling in February then I'll be concerned. Still a tough loss to a team they should have beaten.
Music today-Mojo Nixon and the Toadliquors' Horny Holidays. I play this one a lot this time of year.