Happy happy to Anna Kournikova, the worlds most famous underacheiver, who has parlayed a pretty face and sexy bod into millions and who cares if she's never won a major tennis title;

The late, great Dean Martin, whose accomplishments in the realm of stage, screen, and records are too numerous for me to list but will always go down as one of the coolest human beings to ever inhabit this fair planet;

Another Caliph of Cool, Mr. Tom Jones, who impressed the hell out of me several years ago when, on Letterman or Conan or one of those types of shows he broke down and did the Funky Chicken during the "think I'm gonna dance now" part of his cover of Prince's Kiss. I thought "If anybody could look cool while doing the Funky Chicken, it's Tom Jones.". Plus, he's done some great, classic songs like It's Not Unusual, She's A Lady, and Delilah (even though the Sensational Alex Harvey Band stole that one from him);

And the writer of that aforementioned "Kiss" song, plus many, many other innovative, groundbreaking, funky (and other adjectives) projects, the Artist Currently Known as Prince. For a period of time in the 80s and early-to-mid 90s, no one was making more interesting, nor more eagerly anticipated music than Mr. Rogers Nelson. Sadly, he lost the plot sometime in the late 90s and I haven't even bothered to buy his last three or four releases (I'm surprised he was able to sustain that level of creativity as long as he did), but that doesn't mean I don't go back and play Sign 'O' The Times or Dirty Mind once in a while.