Sunday, February 13, 2005

Comics reviews later today. First, an announcement posted over at the Sketch Blog (remember it?), posted here in case you haven't seen it:

It's with a heavy heart that I make this announcement: In one week, I'll be deleting this blog. I'm not updating it as much as I should, it has failed to inspire me to draw more, like I hoped it would, and I'm just using bandwidth that someone else could be using to do something worthwhile. So one week from today, Johnny B's Sketch Blog is history.

I'm giving everybody a week to remove the link from their blogs, if you've linked up to me here, or download images for some reason if you so desire. If for some reason you'd be interested in any of the originals I've posted here, please send me an email.

Thanks for checking it out, and for the kind, positive comments you've provided. This was kind of an experiment for me, and I guess I found out what I needed to know. There are few things sadder than someone with a gift, and no idea how to best take advantage of it.

More later.

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