Time now to finish this week's edition of JOHNNY B's FEARLESS NFL PIGSKIN PROGNOSTICATIONS!
This weekend is "Throwback Weekend" in the NFL, which means that almost every team will be wearing unis that were worn at some juncture in the team's history, hence the Dallas Cowboys wearing their white and dark-blue togs that they wore in their initial season in the very early 60s, and so on. My Falcons will be attired, I'll bet, in red jerseys with those great red helmets and the calm falcon logo (as opposed to the aggressive one they have now) once more. If I had my druthers, they'd be clad in the circa 1970 black jerseys with the red helmets, but I don't, obviously. One very cool thing about the annual Throwback Weekend is the uniforms of the San Diego Chargers, as shown above- they go back and wear their 60's-70's look powder blues, with those great-looking white helmets with numbers on the side. Normally, I despise powder blue anything, especially baseball uniforms a la the Braves and Royals in the 70s...but for some reason those Chargers unis work, and work well. I think everybody in the world that cares wishes to see them wear those uniforms all the time, except for Chargers management. And guess who always wins that argument. I'll tell ya, if I was a moneyed man or rap star, even (MC Johnny B), I'd be wearing me one of those baby blue Chargers jerseys. Word.
Anyway, picks. I went a big fat 2-0 on Thanksgiving...but weren't those two of the most absolutely WORST games ever? Gah- the Colts-Lions game was over at the half, if not actually sooner, and the Bears and Cowboys just went three-and-out for what seemed like FOREVER until RB Julius Jones finally goosed the 'Boys and they scored a couple of TDs. The rest of my picks go something like this:
TAMPA BAY over Carolina
CINCINNATI over Cleveland
HOUSTON over Tennessee
KANSAS CITY over San Diego (but it won't be the uni's fault)
MINNESOTA over Jacksonville
NEW ENGLAND over Baltimore
PHILADELPHIA over the NY Giants
PITTSBURGH over Washington
ATLANTA over New orleans
NY JETS over Arizona
SAN FRANSISCO over Miami (in the WHO CARES Bowl)
SEATTLE over Buffalo (this one scares me, though)
DENVER over Oakland
GREEN BAY over St. Louis
And that's all, folks! Come back later- more to come, including some honest to goodness COMICS-related stuff!
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