Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Here's your Vera Brosgol art for today, first posted over at The Pants Press Sketchblog. Ain't it cool? Reproduced without permission, but I'm hoping she doesn't mind...

Gotta love those white thigh-highs.

How about we make this a grab-bag link-post?

While I'm linking to LiveJournal spots, here's a LJ dedicated to The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across The Eighth Dimension.

Here's a link to a message board sporting images from an upcoming with David Bowie as the main character, written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by someone named Yoshitaka Amano. Looks kinda interesting.

Yea, verily, the Football Gods hath smiled down upon us and hath given us a new Tuesday Morning Quarterback column to read. Yea, verily, I wish they would smile down upon my poor struggling money league fantasy football team- I'm off to a putrid 0-3 start, and have scored an average of 17 points a game. Folks, that don't get it done.

Guess that's all I got for now. I'll be back with more later, with any luck.

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