TALES FROM THE FISH CAMP, by Danielle Henderson
Don't know much about the creators behind these. hell, don't know anything,as a matter of fact! They both look like they could be fun, though. Tales is about a NYC girl working in an Alaskan fishing village. I used to want to move to Alaska, when I was feeling anti-social (which was quite often) a few years ago. I'd still like to visit there someday before my time is up.
PROOF OF CONCEPT, by Larry Young and with art by John Flynn, Paul Tucker, Damian Couciero, Jeff Johns, and John Heebink.
Another potentially interesting collection of the competition that's been running on www.comicsworldnews.comin which Larry Young writes a script, people draw it, and the ones deemed best get published! Wish I had the wherewithal to do one of these myself. Anyway, I like the art of that Johns fellow, more on him later.
SCURVY DOGS: RAGS TO RICHES, by Ryan Yount and Andrew Boyd.
Hey,you already know what I think about this book, and now here they are all collected for you. If you don't have #'s 1-5 already, you have no excuse now.
SMOKE AND GUNS, by Kirsten Baldock and Fabio Moon
This looks about two dozen different kinds of sweet, and right now I'll pickup anything that Moon illustrates. So much for being impartial and objective, eh! Subject matter sounds quirky and fresh, too. I'll be getting this, if at all possible.
THE BLACK DIAMOND, by Larry Young and Jon Proctor
I don't know a lot about artist Proctor, but the cover looks interesting and the one or two illos I've seen from him on other projects look OK too, so I think I'll get this...but I want to see more interiors before I commit. I'm funny like that. The writer, him I've heard of.
WILL STARR!, by Stuart Moore and John McCrea
I was a big Hitman fan, moreso for Ennis' writing than McCrea's art especially at first. Eventually McCrea's flooby style wore me down and now I can't imagine anyone else that would have been better for that title. Well, OK, there was Doug Mahnke and the excellent Hitman/Lobo one-shot...but that was just one issue. Anyway, Stuart Moore's story sounds a lot like those that used to appear in the old Warren magazine 1994, just kinda silly and crass, and McCrea's not the type of artist I'll buy on just anything. So I suppose I'll pass. However, this does sound like it could be fun in a not-so-nice way, so if you like, then by all means.
FIVE FISTS OF SCIENCE, by Matt Fraction and Steve Sanders
The concept sounds like fun, and the art sample looks OK, but I've never really made it a point to pick up Fraction's work (just hasn't really made an impression on me, in the occasions I've had to read it) and know less than nothing about Sanders, so this is another I'd like to see more of before I commit.
THE TOURIST, by Brian Wood and Toby Cypress
Again, it's hard to tell without seeing more than this single-page oil rig illo, but the plot of The Tourist sounds interesting enough. That's right, wanna see more before I commit. I will most likely do whatever it takes to get the latest installment of The Couriers, even though I'm a tad disappointed to see that Rob G. is back on the art duties. perhaps he's studied up on his anatomy in the interval between the last book and this. I hope. Johnny Funwrecker. Whatta name! Isn't it amazing how you can stick almost anything after "Johnny" and it sounds cool? The Demo Scriptbook sounds like a really nice package that will most likely be out of my price range, especially since I will most likely have the individual issues anyway- hardly a given thanks to my comics shop (which failed to get in copies of #8 yesterday).
MOONSHINE, by Dan Curtis Johnson and Jeff Johns
Now this excites me- I've been a fan of Johnson's work ever since his excellent DC series Chase passed through, like a shooting star, back in 1998. Plus, Proof of Concept winner Johns has a nice style, a little stiff but otherwise excellent and I think he's only gonna get better. The pitch-line "They Live" as a Western doesn't change this in the slightest.
WARHEAD, by Joe Casey and Ian Richardson
KRASH BASTARDS, by Casey and Axel 13
FULL MOON FEVER, by Casey, Caleb Gerard, and Damian Couciero
I liked Casey's Codeflesh, and a little part of me is annoyed at him that he isn't doing more instead of batting out new projects like these. Billed as "Patton-in-space", Warhead sounds somewhat interesting, but not so much that I'm gonna go out of my way to pick it up. Same for Bastards, the title of which brings to mind, for some reason, old DC series like Sonic Disruptors, Electric Warrior, and Slash Maraud. I'm just weird like that. Anyway, I'd like to see some samples from Bastards before I lay my money down. regarding Fever, can't wait to see Tom Petty starring in his first full-length illustrated adventure and...what? Oh. Heh. Never mind.
Allrightely-dightely, that's my rundown of the upcoming AIT/Planetlar offerings. Hope I'll get to read more than a few, and so will you!
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