Friday, February 28, 2003

Hi there. I've been off work all day! Since we had worked so much OT and such over the last month, we were given today off. So oddly enough, I haven't blogged a thing. Until now.

First, I bought a CD today. Who Do We Think We Are by Deep Purple, a remastered version with bonus tracks. This 1973 release, the last worthwhile album with the original Purp lineup, was the first DP album I ever bought (in 1975). While it's no classic, there are some good songs on it, especially if you're predisposed to like white-boy blooz with sexist lyrics by aging Englishmen. Fortunately, I suppose that I tend to be predisposed that way, despite the fact that I should know better. Deep Purple and all the ancillary people that orbited around them from that period from 1970 till 1976 is actually a fascinating story, to me anyway. I think I might write more one of these days on the subject...

I also stumbled upon this Indie Alt.Country music-for-sale site, called Miles of Music, while clicking on the website (see link at left) of my friend Ned Hill aka NedVanGo. I call him such, even though we haven't seen each other in three years and despite my repeated requests he refuses to even consider letting me design for him...Anyway, they've got some interesting stuffage there on Miles of Music, including a CD by the Minus 5, comprised of R.E.M.'s Pete Buck, former Posie Ken Stringfellow, and some Wilco members, including main Wilcodude Jeff Tweedy. It's called "Down With Wilco". Hm. Anyway, you can download song samples, and I can see me spending some minutes checking some otherwise unknown music out there.

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