Monday, October 10, 2005

I did this a week or so ago at the LJ, thought it was fun, so I'm a-doin it again.

1. Open a music player.
2. Go to 'all music'/'library'.
3. Hit shuffle/repeat/randomise.
4. Find photos of the first 10 artists/bands that come up [no repeats and no cheating].
5. Have people guess who the artists/bands are.

Go here.

I'm doing these big-picture quizzes at the LJ because of its nifty LJ-cut feature, which cuts down on the space they take up. In case you were wondering. Anyway, go look and guess! This one's easier than the last one.

I've also just done another MOVIE STILL QUIZ- go play!

Guess it's easier to post images and bullshit than it is to write anything substantial about comics or music...

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