Bacardi Show Birthday Greetings go out today to Gary Cole, 47 today, who most people (I fear) remember from his turn as Mike Brady in those smirky Brady Bunch movies, or even as (God help them) Brian Keith for the Aughts in the WB's lame revival of Family Affair. But- he'll always be (to me) Lucas Buck, the evil sheriff of Trinity, South Carolina in CBS's excellent American Gothic series of a few years ago. That was a fascinating show, with a great premise, and CBS totally screwed it by moving it around to different nights, pre-empting it incessantly, showing episodes out of order and failing to air four of the twenty-two, and tinkering with the scripts and cast...which ensured its failure, hardly a difficult thing to do given its unusual nature! Anyway, reruns pop up here and there on cable networks like Sci-Fi and Trio, and one can only hope that someone decides to collect it, in order, on DVD a la Firefly...if that ever comes out...