Monday, February 16, 2004

Everything Old is New Again, or Of Moth and Men

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When I saw the solicitations for Steve Rude's upcoming Moth series, it rang a big old church bell in my head, and I remembered where I had seen the character before: ladies and germs, I give you exhibit A in the discussion of exactly how long some character ideas ferment in creators' heads: a trading card from the "Creators Universe" series, which are ©1993. I got this, along with most of the others which included Chaykin's American Flagg!, Art Adams' sorely missed Monkeyman & O'Brien (both Ann and Axwell, and Oniko and Gorildozer, on seperate cards!), and characters from Frank Miller's Sin City, in a couple of boxes for a buck at Kay-Bee Toys. Pretty cool, huh.