Sunday, December 04, 2005

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You can't beat a big monkey, just ask Peter Jackson, who will be taking one to the bank in a few weeks.

Fellow blogosphereiversal citizens Scipio (second coolest Scipio ever, next to former MLB pitcher Scipio Spinks) Garling and Devon Sanders, of the Absorbascon and Seven Hells! respectively, have embarked on a joint venture- living the dream and running their own chain of comics shops, all united under the moniker Big Monkey Comics. And here be their website, about which Scip has said the following:

If nothing else, I hope the website serves as a tasteful yet useful "go-to" place for various comic book resources. It's the site I always wished the comic book store I frequented would have; and now it does.

A worthy goal, if you ask me. Why don't you go check it out, if you haven't already, and maybe even drop a dime or two on them?

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