Thursday, September 18, 2008

Entirely unsolicited plug dept: The above-shown issue of BOOM!'s Zombie Tales series boasts the first published script by the most excellent Ian "Pal Ian" Brill, and I've no doubt that it is merely the first of many to come. I sincerely hope that each and every one of you reading this will run, not walk to your comics shop (or drive, as the case may be) and ask for it by name.

You see, if Ian becomes famous, then I can capitalize by finally drawing the four-page script he sent me a year or so ago. So, yes, I'm not being 100% altruistic here.

In the original version of this post, I popped off unfairly about BOOM! in that passive-agressive whiny bitchy way I have sometimes (unfortunately), and since then, I've been contacted by several folks from over that way, and they informed me what was going on- and it seems like there was a communications mixup almost a year ago, which none of us could help. Which is very nice of all of them, especially Chip Mosher, and totally unnecessary on their part since I don't mean to sound like I think I'm entitled to anything from anyone. Anyway, I think it's all (Hero) squared now, and I appreciate it very much. They're all aces there, as far as I'm concerned. Which doesn't mean that I won't pan some Warhammer book should I happen to read it...!

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