Well, it's like this y'see...tonight was gonna be THE night. The night I put the whole Beowulf thing to bed. But, problem is, Mrs. B. is going to Seattle for a week with her family tomorrow, and there was a lot of stuff to do to help her out, including a favor for my youngest sister-in-law: loading her Creative Zen iPod thingy with tunes. So, I'm now about 3/4 finished with the third part of my long-delayed Dragon Slayer spotlight, but it's way too late to finish it now so instead I will pass on a slightly less delayed BSBdG to Mr. BRIAN WILSON, who celebrated his 64th yesterday. I would like to post a list of my favorite Beach Boys tunes, and maybe I will someday, but not tonight- I mean this morning- whatever. The bed is beckoning, so good night. Or morning. Or...
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