Assuming you care, comics reviews are coming. I promise. The day job just leaves me drained mentally at the end of the day, and makes it difficult for me to compose anything that requires effort, and believe it or not, my widdle capsule reviews do extract that particular toll.
When they do finally come, they'll replace this post. Thanks for your patience, and don't forget to tip your waitress.
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, as far as I'm concerned Captain America "died" thirty years ago. And if you think he's gonna stay dead, I've got some choice back issue comics I'd love to sell you. As I recall, the Robinson Starman got under way by having the Starman at the time shot dead by a sniper. I won't hold my breath expecting this obvious attempt to reboot Cap to approach that level, though.
And this is a hella-sweet cover. Love the expression on Marvel's face. Just the right amount of expressiveness, enabled by Smith's (for lack of a better word) cartoonish style.
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