Kudos to Hope Larson for
her illustration in the New York Times! And it's as typically great as all her stuff so far has been!
Also, I've been getting several emails from
Neil Kleid about
The Chemistry Set, the new webcomics project that has a number of interesting creators lined up. Will be well worth checking out, I'm sure, and it launches Monday the 7th.
Hope that makes up for all the PR he's been sending and I've been neglecting to post...
Comics reviews are proceeding apace. Got a copy of the new attempt at
Martian Manhunter today, so I'm going to try and squeeze that one in, after I've read it of course, and I hope to pick up a goodly amount of back issues tomorrow at the Great Escape's sidewalk sale, in which they have 20% (used to be 25%-mebs! mebs!) off everything in the store. Don't look for them in the upcoming review post.

Speaking of back issues, I'm jonesing something awful to pick up a set of
these. If anyone would buy them for me, I'd be eternally in their debt! Sad thing is, I could probably get them for less than 12 bucks in decent condition...but I'm trying to save my pathetic cash for the sale tomorrow, so the trigger remains unpulled. I'm a little concerned that interest may spike in them after the release of
this, which I stumbled upon as I scanned through DCBS's newly updated order site. I'm a little confused, too- is this, and by this I mean the announced
Lankhmar: Swords and Deviltry from Dark Horse, another reprint (with a horribly bland cover, different from the one seen at left) of the original Leiber stories (some of my absolute favorite fantasy stuff of all time, in case you didn't know), or will this contain the 1980's Chaykin/Mignola/Williamson Marvel/Epic illustrated adaptations (which I still have, by the way- don't know WHY I got rid of my
Sword of Sorecerys), or is that coming later? Interesting announcment about a movie in the solicit text...about time someone realized the potential for a really good, witty, adventure-filled Fafhrd and the Mouser film! Of course, if they don't fuck it all up- which is probably the most likely scenario. Faf and the Mouser are too hedonistic- can't have them being naughty and debauched and not suffering for it! At least in Hollywood, anyway. Maybe I'm just jealous because I'm never naughty and debauched anymore...
Anyway, I meant to make this a shortie and it turned out twice as long as I wanted! I could have posted five reviews in the time it took me to type this!
So stop typing already, Dave!
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