On to lighter subjects- yesterday I received a package from Oni Press, containing many fine things (including a B&W preview of B. Clay Moore's latest,
The Leading Man...good stuff) that i will write about a) at a later date, and b) after I've read 'em all! One thing that I got and have already read, and enjoyed very much, was their contribution to the upcoming Free Comic Book Day,
Free Scott Pilgrim! and it was great fun, serving as a kinda-sorta introduction to the character, as well as a kinda-sorta continuation of the ongoing "Scott vs. Ramona's 7 Evil Ex-Boyfriends" plot. Scott, Ramona and Wallace Wells are en route to see
Brokeback Mountain (Well, actually it's called "the gay cowboy movie", but you know what they mean), and after Scott takes forever and a day to choose what kind of soda he wants, they walk down an alley past posters of teenstar Winifred Haily...when suddenly, seven Winifreds leap out from the posters with the intent to do our boy bodily harm! It's as charming and off-the-wall as the previous two
Pilgrim GNs have been, and it has me looking forward to the third even more eagerly. If it ever comes out, that is...
It's paired with a new feature,
"The Aggressive Adventures of Fearless Griggs" by Andy Helms, which is strongly influenced by the more out-there Mignola stuff (and I know that's saying something) like
The Amazing Screw-On Head and
Rusty Razorclam. A graphic novel is forthcoming from Oni, and could be worth watching out for. Hopefully, Griggs (or his editor) will keep a better eye out for typos when it does...
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