Yes, it was eight years ago that I first put words in a blog post and set them loose on the world. It's been an interesting experience. LOT of water under the bridge, and a lot of both good and bad life events for me in that span. I know, right now I'm not posting very much over here, and I'm not happy about that, but it's probably going to remain that way for the foreseeable future. Too many things dividing my attention, and that causes me to leave some things on the back burner- such as this blog. I'm still finding time to Tweet; and I post the occasional video or link on Facebook...and of course I'm still writing about a handful of comics a week at Popdose. I hope you'll follow me there. Until the day when I can get back to updating this blog regularly, I hope you can find it in your hearts to keep me in your feed readers or bookmark tabs or however you monitor blogs, and I thank you for your attention and support over the last 8 years.
Congrats, Johnny! You were on Fred Hembeck's roster 5.5 years ago, when I started blogging. seeing Fred today, BTW. Keep posting, and I'll keep showing up.
Thanks, Roger- say hello to Fred for me!
I spotted that hidden reference, your majesty...and it's my firm hope and prediction that you'll be well and doing fine when you reach anniversary number nine.
Happy blogday, JB!
Richard: +1. I had originally considered Eight is Enough, but thought that might get misconstrued...thanks, by the way.
Bill: Thanks to you, too!
Congratulations, Johnny! Holy cats, eight years. That's a LOOOOOONG TIIIIIME...!
Congrats, sorry it took me so long to get here ... just been pointed your way by Tim O'Shea's ref, on What Are You Reading, to your Doom Patrol love. Superb comic.
Off to read your previous posts!
Hey Johnny,
Too bad your not blogging as much, but why don't you post the links to your popdose column on your site. That way you won't be stealing traffic from popdose, but your readers will konw your still posting things. I believe you can also have your twitter update to your webpage as well, if you wanted to do that.
Colin O'Neil
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